16 March 2010


"Women might be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake whole relationships." ~Sharon Stone

Ah, a movie about New York. And divorce. And love. And neurotic men. Must be Woody Allen.


No, I'm talking about When Harry Met Sally..., you know, the movie where the smoking hot Meg Ryan purposefully ignores Billy Crystal's sexual advances for a dozen years. Until she doesn't anymore. Actually I remembered this movie as "the Meg Ryan orgasm" movie for years, or "the one without Tom Hanks," after that OTHER romantic comedy came out about New York. And breakups. And love. And neurotic men. . . but i digress. 

~"I'd never fake it with YOU."~

Upon giving it another viewing, I've decided this is really a smart, funny, romantic movie about how men and probably women really are. Now I say probably because I've never been an expert on the ways of Vagina Club, if you get my drift. But, yes, men will have a date with a girl, have sex with the girl, leave the girl, and repeat the process the next day with the next name in the phone book. Women use sex more sparingly. Kinda like "If you want the goods, and I know you do, you have to wait for it.....wait for it.......wait for it." Our biology at work, my friends. We can't change our wiring, we just change our techniques.

But the question at hand, the question burning in the backs of the minds of every Harry and Sally, the question that this movie is REALLY about is this:  Can Men and Women just be friends? I really think so. Harry thinks it isn't possible because men, being the horny bastards that we are, are always thinking about sex....with Meg Ryan......

~Need I say more~

anyway . . . because of this fact, men can never befriend a woman. Perhaps. But sometimes, as this movie so eloquently points out, if we just put our dicks away, reveal our true capacities as a caring human being to another caring human being, the journey can lead to wondrous places. 


(Trivia Bite: The woman who, after Meg Ryan's public fake orgasm, says "I'll have what she's having," turns out to be Rob Reiner's mother.)

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